
Schema management evolutionary architectureKafka entity relationship diagram (ERD) flows view of sources to sinks


Spring Client with Exactly One Semantic (EOS)

In a Spring application we want to guaranty that read→process-write sequence is completed exactly once. This can done by configuring the container to start a transaction before invoking the Kafka listeners. If the listener successfully processes the record (or multiple records, when using a BatchMessageListener), the container sends the offset(s) to the transaction by using producer.sendOffsetsToTransaction()), before the transaction manager commits the transaction. If the listener throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back and the consumer is repositioned so that the rolled-back record(s) can be retrieved on the next poll.

Spring for Apache Kafka version 2.5


Topics should be created to be available and durable. For example,

replication.factor 3
min.insync.replicas 2

Once you're provides a balance between availability and durability. If enforces high replication with strict sync requirements.

To access kafka broker from docker you can run the following command

docker-compose exec broker bash
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list

To execute a KSQL

docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql http://ksql-server:8088

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