Unix Commands

File commands

  • >> ==> append redirection symbol.

    • cat file1 >> file2 ==> append file1 to file2

Useful commands

  • cat /etc/os-release ==> check OS version

Manual commands

  • full manual of a commands: man firewall-cmd

  • short list of commands: firewall-cmd -h | less

Network commands

  • find port on Listen state: $ netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

  • ping port: telnet localhost 2128

    TELNET is a program that connects you to another computer so you can remotely control it via the command line. The other computer has to allow it, and you need a username and password on that computer or it won't work. NETSTAT is a way to find out basic information about a computer's networking information from the command line - for example it will tell you the computer's hostname and IP address. It's really handy for TELNET. For example, suppose I want to copy a bunch of files between two computers but I don't know anything else about them. I run NETSTAT on one to find out its IP address. Then I run TELNET on the other one and connect it to that other computer's IP address, then use the command line to copy the files.

  • nslookup -type=AAAA auth.docker.io

  • nslookup -type=A auth.docker

  • nmcli connection show or nmcli c s==> network manager cli show all the active connection in green. video

  • nmcli device status shows all the devices status including the unmanaged

Create a script for opening files and project from the command line



grep -- -P

Parsing outputs

  • You can access the console output via the proc filesystem: tail -f /proc/<pid>/fd/1 where 1 = stdout, 2 = stderr

Find and remove folders is:

find . -name "FILE-TO-FIND" -exec rm -rf {} \;

Locate files

Search Results Featured snippet from the web 'locate' and 'updatedb' are the front runners in searching for the existence of any file on a Linux system. In order to operate efficiently, 'locate' uses a database rather than hunting individual directory paths. For this to operate, and remain current, it means the database itself must be updated.

sudo updatedblocate [FILE_NAME]

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